I have started building the empennage of the plane as you can see from the photos. Now, that I have started I think I might have wanted to go to one of the beginning builder assistance courses. When I talked to the two programs in my area I heard both say something to the effect, “Our classes give builders the confidence to go home and take off building their planes.” The word “confidence” is a big and powerful word. It has taken a little time to get used to the tools. So far so good…although I did mess up one part, so I replaced it! LOL
It has also taken awhile to get all the tools setup and ready to go.
I go this rolling cart to keep everything organized.
It’s ok to start over on a part and make a new one. As my friend says when I goof up, “Great, more practice!”
My RV10 Tool Kit Contents from Isham Tools (Planetools.com)
- Pneumatic Rivet Squeezer*
- 3″ C-Yoke Installed on Squeezer*
- Adjustable Set Holder for Pneumatic Squeezer – Optional*
- I upgraded the Sioux Replica Drill AWESOME!! 3600 RPM Palm Air Drill, fast, smooth & quiet like Sioux* (Sioux Drill optional)
- 3X upgraded Rivet Gun with excellent teasing trigger (black model in our rivet gun category)*AWESOME
- EZ change spring for straight rivet sets*
- EZ Change Spring for flush sets (Snap-On Ind U.S.A.)*
- Swivel and Air Flow Valve with fine precision adjustment*(HATED THIS)
- 1″ Diameter Flush Rivet Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 3/32″ Cupped Rivet Set 3.5″ long (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 1/8″ Cupped Rivet Set 3.5″ long (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 3/16″ Cupped Rivet Set 3.5″ long (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 1/8″ Double Offset Rivet Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- Back Rivet Set* (Special cut on one edge for close edge work on RV parts)
- Tungsten Bucking Bar *
- Microstop Countersink Unit, needle-bearing, non-chattering with nylon foot
- #40 Countersink Bit, 3/32″ (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- #30 Countersink Bit, for 1/8″ & #6 Screw (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- #8 Countersink Bit, #8 Screw (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- #10 Countersink Bit, #10 Screw (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- Left Cut Snips, easy to use offset type (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- Right Cut Snips, easy to use offset type (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- Straight Cut Snips, easy to use offset type (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- #40 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bits for 3/32″ rivets, 8 each
- #30 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bits for 1/8″ rivets, 6 each
- #27 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bit
- #21 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bit
- #19 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bit
- #12 Aviation Cobalt Drill Bit
- 1/4″ Aviation Cobalt Drill Bit
- 12″ Aviation Extra Long #40 Drill Bit
- 12″ Aviation Extra Long #30 Drill Bit
- Deburr Tool, Speed Handle Type for small & large holes (U.S.A.)*
- Cleco Pliers*
- 4 Cleco Clamps, 1/2″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- 4 Cleco Clamps, 1″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- Pop Rivet Tool, Professional Heavy-Duty unit with Swivel Head*
- 3/32″ Universal Cupped Squeezer Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)**
- 1/8″ Universal Cupped Squeezer Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 5/32″ Universal Cupped Squeezer Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)**
- 3/16″ Universal Cupped Squeezer Set (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- Flat Squeezer Set 1/8″, 2 EACH (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- Flat Squeezer Set 1/4″ (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- Flat Squeezer Set 3/8″ (Snap-On U.S.A.)*
- 3/32″ Rivet Dimple Die (Springback U.S.A.)*
- 1/8″ Rivet Dimple Die (Springback U.S.A.)*
- 5/32″ Dimple Die**
- 3/16″ – #10 Screw Dimple Die*
- #8 Screw Dimple Die*
- #6 Screw Dimple Die**
- Squeezer Set Organizer*
- Squeezer Set Adjustment Washers *
- Stainless Steel Rule, 12″*
- Unibit 1/4″ – 3/4″ Step Drill *
- 3 Permanent Markers, Sharpie
- 3M Cut & Polish Wheel 6″ (3M U.S.A.)
- 1/2 x 1 Reducers for 3M Wheel*
- 325 Cleco Fasteners, 3/32″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- 175 Cleco Fasteners, 1/8″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- 10 Cleco Fasteners, 5/32″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- 10 Cleco Fasteners, 3/16″ (Calif Assoc Prod or Zephyr U.S.A.)*
- Edge Deburring Tool, Hex Swivel type*
- 2013 Updated High-Leverage Fluting Pliers*
- Air Tool Oil (excluded on air shipments)
- Drill Stop Set of 4*
- Rivet Set DOTS, Easier than Rivet Tape
- 3/32″ Pop Rivet Dimple Die, Springback (U.S.A.)*
- 1/8″ Pop Rivet Dimple Die, Springback (U.S.A.)*
- Hand Seamer (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- 3/32″ Drive Pin Punch (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- 1/8″ Drive Pin Punch (Klein Tools U.S.A.)*
- Scotch Brite Hand Pads, 4 each
- Rivet Length Gauge*
- Rivet Shop Head Gauge, 4-piece*
- Technical Resource Manual
- * = Lifetime Warranty
- QB “Quick Build” kit has 1/2 the Cleco Fasteners.
- RV-10 Option adds 175 3/32″ Cleco Fasteners and 75 1/8″ Cleco Fasteners, Special Bucking Bar and additional Squeezer Sets**.
Extra Tools
- Quincy Compressor
- Porter Cable Tabletop Vertical/Disk sander (cuts aluminum fast!)
- Grizzly Bandsaw
- Porter Cable tabletop grinder
- Wilton Table Top vice (added soft jaws)
- Homedepot Folding 2×4 tables
- some 3.32 rulers
- couple shop lights
- different cleco pliers that stay sprung open
- different debur tool form Cleveland
- Digital calipers from Harborfreight
- plastic storage boxes to put nut/bolts/Rivets, etc for plane
- shorter 30 and 04 droll bits (true aircraft drill bits are 12″ long which come in the kit)
- Hearing protection
- DA Sander and Hook and loop brillo pads
- Paint gun for priming (harbor freight if you want